Very simple but delicious dessert - not too sweet, but satisfies one's chocolate needs. Can be served immediately or cooled for at least 1 hour and reheated...
This easy chocolate mug cake is made with flaked almonds and no egg. It is ready in a few minutes and perfect if you're dying for something sweet. Serve...
Recipe passed to me a few months ago by an aunt. Make sure to use high quality cocoa for a richer flavor. This will keep well in a fridge and can be reheated...
This was my Grandmother's recipe. It was the first cake I ever baked and now my daughter and her cousin's (ages 4, 5 and 9) make it. Its easy and soooooooo...
This deliciously moist and fudgy chocolate cake is made with a gluten-free twist that nobody ever suspects: quinoa! I've also made a vegan option of this...
This show-stopping, rich, moist, decadent chocolate cake is not for the faint of heart. It wins almost every time I have entered it in a cooking contest....
What's not to love about warm chocolate cake spiked with chocolate, coconut, and chocolate chips and topped with melting vanilla bean ice cream? This literally...
This recipe was given to me by my great-aunt Julee over 40 years ago and I have had to convert it from SE Oklahoma Mountain area altitude to our altitude....
This makes a dark, moist, fine-crumbed cake that needs nothing else! It's well worth the time to bloom, or dissolve, the cocoa. It brings out the chocolate...
Great, easy chocolate cake. This a great everyday cake or, with company, just put some ice cream on top and serve. Friends always want the recipe so have...
A mocha whipped cream filling rests between four layers of rich, moist chocolate cake. This lovely, decadent dessert is much easier to prepare than it...
This moist chocolate cake never collapses, something I can't say for other cakes I've baked at high altitude! This cake has been tested at 9,000 feet and...
This amazing chocolate Bundt® cake boasts notes of vanilla and coffee with rich chocolate flavor. Moist, delicious, and beautiful with a simple sugar...
This 7-minute gooey chocolate cake recipe is one I have known since I was a child. It is a great one to rustle up in the microwave if you are in need of...
A little trip to Ireland all baked in a delicious chocolate cake with Guinness® flavor. You can serve it with powdered sugar or ganache poured on top....